Lereca Monik
Speaker. Author. Philanthropic Strategist


Our Organization

LM Philanthropy offers intentional philanthropic solutions to unlock the interconnectedness between nonprofits, small business, and individuals to advance social causes and ignite transformational change and impact in local communities.

Our Methodology

Lereca Monik Philanthropy is intentional about making it REIGN for our partners.  We position our partners for long-term success and program sustainability. Our REIGN methodology is about the product, processes, and the people needed to help elevate an organization’s ability to raise money and attract donors.  

We accomplish our REIGN methodology in five (5) phases. 

Phase One: Review and Recommend

Our process begins with interviews to learn of the various perspectives of board members, executive staff members, and supporters. We work with these stakeholders to gather information about our client’s history and mission, fundraising norms, organizational culture, marketing materials, program outputs, communication techniques, case for support, and budget. At the close of our initial review, we bring together the executive team to share our recommendations on how to move forward.

Phase Two: Establish Objectives, Goals, and Develop a Plan

After sharing our recommendations, we work with our client’s executive team to develop a comprehensive development plan. In all aspects of our plan we meet our client where they are and build upon the amazing progress they have already made. We pursue strategies that build a foundation for our client’s financial stability. The development plan includes strategic goals, objectives, revenue targets, donor engagement opportunities, communications, process owners, and key performance indicators (KPI’s). We act as the architect to grow our client’s pipeline. The following revenue targets are included in most development plans: federated, individual, corporate, foundation, fee-for-service, board giving, and advisory council giving.

Phase Three: Implementation and Execution

After the development plan is approved we work in concert with our clients to best position them to execute the plan. We are the experts in this work, but we encourage and value client input and empower them where appropriate.

Phase Four: Guidance and Project Management

We offer guidance and project management support during the life of the contract. We work to monitor the effectiveness of the plan to institute an efficient and measurable accountability system. During this time, we meet with our clients weekly to offer development updates, identify potential risks, and discuss any additional support that our partners seek.

Phase Five: Next Steps and Sustainability

At the close of each contract, we deliver a final report. The final report will summarize the outcomes of the plan. The final report reflects formal and informal feedback collected during the term of the engagement to include: project successes, unexpected events, key takeaways, project performance, and recommendations to foster financial sustainability beyond the term of the contract.